October 26, 2015

Oconee Industrial Authority Gets $850,000 Blank Check

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Photo Credit: Lee Becker

Oconee County voters cut a nearly blank check for $850,000 to the Oconee County Industrial Development Authority when they approved the 2015 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax last November.

The language on the resolution for the 2015 SPLOST merely said the money should be used for “Economic Development Facilities,” and the voters, probably without giving it much thought, accepted the deal.

At its meeting earlier this month, the IDA decided it was time to give some thought to what it will do with the windfall.

One idea, proposed by IDA member Matt Elder, is to build a sewer line to the IDA’s Gateway Technology and Business Park on the southwestern edge of Bogart. The IDA has been unable to find much interest in the land, which has water but only partial sewer service.

Elder said that IDA should consider borrowing the money and building the sewer to attract what he called a “suitor.” The IDA would then pay the money back as the SPLOST tax revenues are collected over the next six years.

Oconee County has no oversight committee to review SPLOST spending once the referendum is passed, so there are few constraints on how the IDA can spend the $850,000.

For more, visit Oconee County Observations.
