I disagree with your endorsement and urge everyone to support Keith Heard for Georgia House District 118. In a town known for its non-profit generosity, Frye brags about no community accomplishments or volunteer associations besides his paid work at Habitat. He hides behind an opinion from Habitat International when asked about the ongoing and serious potential conflicts between running a charity and regularly engaging in partisan political activity. Habitat International can protect the charity, but who will protect Athens voters from the General Assembly’s aggressive lobbyists?
Either Spencer doesn't know or doesn't care about the truth. The number of misstatements Frye backtracked from at the East Friendship forum Monday night should have embarrassed Frye's supporters, including the false assertions that the Georgia Federation of Teachers supports all incumbents and endorsed McKillip. Frye’s selection and misinterpretation of a handful of votes from among the thousands cast by Heard proves that he is either dishonest or not prepared to be a legislator. For example, the education tax credit that Heard supported represents less than 1% of the 7 billion dollar K-12 annual Georgia education budget. The billboard brush-cutting vote was supported and opposed by half the Democrats in the House—hardly a barometer of party loyalty.
It is odd that in the face of all of this Pete McCommons and the Flagpole could make an endorsement so short on facts, based primarily upon the one qualification that apparently trumps all others—Spencer happens to be white.