Some elections in Athens-Clarke County have been deemed non-partisan, but there are still races where Republican and Democratic candidates are being nominated and running as representatives of whichever party selected him or her. Republican Carter Kessler seems to be a bit fuzzy on this concept. He is campaigning, basically, as Democrat Spencer Frye's doppelgänger, since he apparently feels that it's the only way he can win the election for state House, knowing that Athens is primarily a Democratic city.
He and his surrogates are going door to door, even to houses that have both Spencer and Obama signs clearly displayed in the yard. The sales pitch they give is that Carter's policies are just about identical to Spencer's, and in fact, they are "allies, not enemies" according to a recent letter.
In light of our experience with Doug McKillip, I'd rather have a Republican tell me he's a Republican, and I'll know to steer clear of him. Telling me you're just like Spencer begs the question, "Then why wouldn't I just vote for Spencer?"
Irene Budoff