I just learned a new way that the UGA Athletic Association rips off loyal fans (of which I am one). On the postseason ticket order sheet, I had the opportunity to order crappy seats for the Capital One Bowl for $87 or "premium sideline" for $92. Naturally, I ordered the $92 seats, but I got the crappy $87 seats anyway. It turns out that the $92 seats are a bait-and-switch reserved for deep-pocket donors. If you are an ordinary fan, UGA will sell you an end zone ticket with a face of $87 and a market value of $60. Actually, the big donors don't make out so well, either: They just get to buy a $92 ticket with a market value of $85–$90. Bottom line: Don't buy post-season tickets from UGA except as a last resort. They will rip you off. Total scam.