February 26, 2014

Affordable Care Act Enrollment Ends Soon

Enrollment for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act ends on Mar. 31, 2014. 

Obamacare makes health insurance affordable. If you don’t have insurance at work, you can buy coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Some people are eligible for lower payments, based on income and family size.

Local health navigators help people sign up. Call 706-543-1145 to make an appointment and find a plan that is right for you.

You will need the following information:

• Names and Social Security numbers for every member of the household.

• Employment income information, such as pay stubs or tax forms.

• Information about any other health policies your family has.

The enrollment system sends confirmation to an email address. If you have an email address, make sure you know your password. If you don’t have email, the health navigator will set it up for free.

Don’t miss the deadline! Call -706-543-1145 to get your health insurance.

McKinney is president of the Wellness Council of Northeast Georgia and a health navigator with the Athens Neighborhood Health Center.
