February 26, 2014

DFCS Is a Disaster

I live in Athens and was so happy when I did a search for news articles on the Division of Family and Children Services and saw that you had recently run the article alluding to issues at DFCS (Capitol Impact, Dec. 25, 2013).  

The new change—forcing everyone to call the 800 number no one has been answering for six months—is a disaster. I just spoke with a DFCS woman who called me because I wrote a desperate letter explaining the fact that my benefits had been cut off. I submitted it as a document through their online COMPASS system and, thankfully, someone got the note and called me. The woman said they don't have enough employees to handle all the calls and that their computers are often down. She was calling from a distant county and suggested I call the "news cameras" because no one in DFCS cares or can make a change. When I contacted the local and national Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program offices, they were receiving calls about the issues in Georgia and said that they would "look in to it." 

There is a great violation of rights and benefits occurring right now in the state of Georgia, and no one cares or knows because it affects only the poor. 
