October 8, 2014

Jody Hice's Election to Congress Is Not Inevitable

I have written several letters and op-eds regarding Rep. Paul Broun, opposing the reactionary policies he has advocated. Broun is a physician who does not believe in science and ridicules those who do rather than blindly following a literal interpretation of scripture. 

As I said in print when he declared, I was glad he was running for senator in that he would lose and no longer be my congressman. But I spoke too soon. The GOP candidate is actually worse than Broun.

It is unfortunate that Flagpole has chosen through its "inevitability" language and tone to anoint a right wing radical like Jody Hice as our next congressman. By assuming this election to be a "done deal," Flagpole and other papers create the false aura of invincibility.

I am a Republican and a former GOP county chairman. But, that does not mean that I will vote for someone with extremist viewpoints who has no interest in getting anything done in Washington. Hopefully, others will follow my example, with no help from Flagpole.
