May 6, 2020

NYC Nurse: Keep Sheltering in Place

Hello from NYC! I am a registered nurse from Athens, and I came to New York to take care of COVID-19 patients when Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked for out-of-state nurses to help meet the overwhelming demand for nurses here. 

I just heard the news that Georgia is planning to reopen businesses to restart the economy, and I am afraid for my family and friends back home. This shit is scary, people! There are humans dying in large numbers every day from this horrible virus. Keeping people home and away from each other is the only way to contain the virus. When you go out and socialize, you are endangering people like me who have to take care of you when you get sick. Please don’t do that to us! I really hope the people of Georgia will not value money more than human lives and will choose to continue staying home and social distancing. I am seeing firsthand how dangerous this is, and you are asking for trouble! Don’t be stupid!
