I’m begging my brothers and sisters to understand this one fact: COVID-19 doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, black or white, a Republican or Democrat; all it does is infect and kill no matter who you are. This is important to remember, because we (black folks) are dying at a much higher rate than anyone else. Your brother can die. Your best friend can die. And, statistically speaking, you are more likely to die. So please understand that this is not a “white” thing. Coronavirus isn’t a joke. You may not even have symptoms or show signs of having coronavirus, but you can still infect others, which means you can murder your loved ones. Don’t be a killer, and don’t get killed.
My brothers and sisters, we all know someone in our family who is ignorant, who thinks this is a joke, who doesn’t understand the coronavirus. They want to hang out, and they don’t care. But please understand this, we are dying at an alarming rate compared to others. Help me help our brothers and sisters survive by taking coronavirus seriously.
So before you rush to open or go to the hair salons, the barber shops (no need to look cute for your funeral) and eventually other businesses, keep in mind that coronavirus is killing us. Your brothers and sisters are dying. In a couple of days you or a loved one could be dead.
Stay home. Quit hanging out. Keep your distance. Sanitize everything, wear protective gloves and face masks, wash your hands constantly, stop the family reunions, stop hanging out on the corners, stop acting a fool and stay the “f” home! It’s a hard thing to do, we get it. We are naturally social, but pretend everyone is trifling and treat them like that. We can get through this. No need to worry about your bills if you are dead. Just please, please, please stay woke, folks. To my black folks who understand, please let your ignorant brothers and sisters know that this is real. Time to fight, and time to win again!