In the low lighting of the 40 Watt under the string lights and spooky streamers, his Machiavellian impulses were confused.
Just a few traces remain, but now the old botanical garden has a new marker.
Why was he still in Athens? His life there obviously sucked.
After all the worry and sleepless nights and fighting, Midnight Jesus nailed everything from the start.
The biggest problem was that none of them liked Chad Dickel.
Before she met Caspian she hadn’t even liked his music that much.
It was after three by the time Casey returned to his building.
He wouldn’t have even minded if what happened between them was just a hook up, if he’d known that that was all it was.
Caspian Quinn was born on a commune near Boulder, Colorado.
Driving to Georgia on his own in August, after three seemingly interminable months of working construction in his hometown, was surreal.