December 1, 2015

New Beers From Creature Comforts; Second Self Is Coming to Athens

Koko Buni.png

It’s not a new beer, but Creature Comforts' milk porter Koko Buni (brewed with 1000 Faces coffee, Condor Chocolates nibs, vanilla and toasted coconut) is back and, for the first time, will be available in retail stores in four-packs of cans starting in mid-December.

Condor Chocolates is also producing a special Koko Buni chocolate bar with a wrapper designed by local artist David Hale, who designed the can, too. Proceeds from the bar will go to Meals on Wheels.

Brettomatic is the downtown Athens brewery’s third and final special-release bomber for 2015 and will be available in souvenir bottles during $35 tours Sunday, Dec. 6 and 13 that will also include live music, a glass and 36 ounces of on-site samples.

Brettomatic is a pale ale brewed with Citra hops and funky Brettanomyces yeast that's described as having tropical-fruit flavors, along with some funk and subtle black pepper, similar to last year’s sought-after Southerly Love.

In addition, Creature Comforts has launched a new “Get Comfortable” campaign that has replaced the brewery’s hosting of the Athens Farmers Market on Wednesdays. (The last Wednesday market of the season was Nov. 18.)

Each Wednesday, a local nonprofit will share information about their programs and volunteer opportunities and receive the revenue from that day’s tours. Sales of a special Your Pie pizza and furniture auctioned off by Sons of Sawdust will also go to that month’s nonprofit.

Participating nonprofits will include The Sparrow’s Nest, Action Ministries, the Athens Community Council on Aging, the Athens Area Homeless Shelter and the Athens Land Trust.

In other beer news, Atlanta's Second Self brewery is taking over Trappeze Pub on Thursday and will be offering its draft-only Mole Porter (brewed with three kinds of chili peppers, chocolate, cinammon and cloves) and Red Hope Rye.

I can personally vouch for all four of these beers, assuming Brettomatic really is anything like Southerly Love, so drink up!
