February 10, 2014

Coming Tuesday: Behind the Scene

Here at Flagpole, we pay a lot of attention to the musicians that comprise the Athens scene, and rightfully so. But, as anyone who's spent even a modicum of time in our little creative ecosystem can attest, there are hundreds of local folks who labor just as hard offstage to make it all happen.

We've struggled for years with the issue of how to give these folks the recognition they deserve. And while our new web series, Behind the Scene, may not be the end-all, we think it's a pretty good start.

Starting tomorrow, and continuing every other Tuesday, we'll peek behind the curtain and publish a profile of a person whose work we believe propels Athens music forward in some quiet but indispensible way. From studio engineers to door workers, from promoters to sound guys and girls, from DJs to label owners, we hope to shine a little light on these under-appreciated sects of our community.

Heading this up is music writer Dan Mistich, but he's not going it alone. Flagpole has partnered with local video agency Dirtty Toe Productions, which will provide stylish glimpses of Behind the Scene's subjects as they go about their daily routines.

For a taste of what's to come, visually speaking, check out a sample of Dirtty Toe's excellent work below:

We're excited about this project, and hope you are too. To nominate someone to appear on Behind the Scene, email [email protected]. And check back tomorrow for our first episode, featuring none other than Dirtty Toe's Cartter Fontaine.
