May 3, 2013

UPDATED with eBay Warning: Neutral Milk Hotel's Two 40 Watt Shows Sold Out Very Fast


Neutral Milk Hotel's two upcoming full-band shows at the 40 Watt, which will take place Oct. 22 and 23 of this year, went on sale at 10 a.m. this morning, and… yeah.

40 Watt talent buyer Velena Vego tells Flagpole that it took 23 minutes for both shows to sell out, but that seems like an extremely high figure, judging by people's reactions on social media (and my and others in the Flagpole office's inability to lock down tickets right at 10).

If you aren't one of the lucky ones, don't fret: there are rumblings that a full tour is planned for the fall, as well as a "fuller tour planned for 2014 that will span the globe." So, I dunno, maybe you can catch NMH in St. Louis, or something.

Or, you could buy this dude's extra ticket for $3,000. (EDIT: The seller has since reduced the "Buy it Now" price to $2,499. So, basically, a steal.)


UPDATE: The eBay "Buy it Now" price has been further reduced to a measly $999. A Facebooker has outed the seller as one Michael W. Dickinson, the self-described "SEO King" of Wilkes-Barre, PA. But before you jump on his offer, check out this 40 Watt tweet:

So. eBay at your own risk.
