November 13, 2012

of Montreal Launches Kickstarter to Fund Documentary

"Song Dynasties" needs a whopping $75,000 by Dec. 12.

Local party starters of Montreal have launched a Kickstarter page in an effort to fund the completion of Song Dynasties, a documentary on the amorphous group that is "16 years in the making."

Much of the footage the group plans to use for the film was shot courtesy of filmmakers Craig Zobel (Compliance) and Jason Miller, while more footage comes from "a box of old camcorder tapes that date back to the very early days of the band."

But much is yet to be shot:

In order to finish the film, which we've titled Song Dynasties, we need to bring a crew on the road to shoot the final round of footage and conduct interviews, as well as pay for their flights, costly venue filming fees, digitizing dozens of old tapes, lots of hard drives to store the footage, editing the documentary and the list of expenses goes on and on.

If this Kickstarter project is successful, we’ll be able to wrap filming and editing this winter and have a final cut of the film in March!

The band is offering some wacky-cool stuff as incentives, including "the world's largest of Montreal merch bundle," a chance to dance with the band on stage, a selection of "unique props" used by the group and a chance to watch the completed documentary with the band in a hotel room.

Thus far the Kickstarter has received just over $10,000. That means about $65,000 more must be raised by Dec. 12. So. Get that rich uncle of yours on the phone and convince him he needs to win the tear-away jacket Kevin Barnes wore when of Montreal performed "Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse" on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien." Rich uncles love shit like that.
