The 2014 Flagpole Athens Music Awards took place last night at the Morton Theatre. Below, enjoy a photo gallery of the show. Check out a recap and the list of winners here.
Sienna Chandler of Monsoon performs
Hand Sand Hands performs
Athens AcroYoga
Editor Pete McCommons gives some introductory remarks
Athens Tango Project accepts their award in the World category
DJ Mahogany accepts his award in the DJ category
Four Eyes performs
Four Eyes performs
Kishi Bashi accepts his award in the Pop category
Pit band Kenosha Kid performs
Blacknerdninja performs
Knowa Logic and Jasmine Johnson
Gene Woolfolk shows his appreciation for his Live Engineer award
Filmmaker Jason Thrasher accepts his award for Music Video (Elf Power, "Darkest Wave")
Son1 of The Swank accepts his Hip Hop award
Jay Gonzalez performs
Davey Wrathgabar accepts the second award of the evening on behalf of Elf Power
New Madrid accepts the Album award
Family and Friends accept their awards for Upstart and Artist of the Year
Family and Friends performs
Host Tom Visions bids the audience goodnight