Not often have I stood amongst a group so diverse as last night at Athens in Harmony Redux, where people across a wide range of age, races and styles mingled and observed. Fittingly, the concert also offered a wide variety of music.
A personal favorite act featured Eugene Willis of Blacknerdninja and singer-songwriter Bain Mattox performing Otis Redding’s "(Sittin' on) the Dock of the Bay." Willis’ fluid raps over Mattox’s laid-back playing got much of the audience on its feet.
All acts had some message to share, but they all came together—along with organizer Pat Priest, producers Knowa and Mokah Johnson, emcee and ACC Police Chief Scott Freeman and Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement Committee members—at the end of the show to implore the audience and this community to "give peace a chance."
All photos by Abigail Sherrod.