April 14, 2014

Win Tickets: Thee Silver Mt. Zion Plays 40 Watt Tuesday


Photo Credit: Yannick Grandmont

Punk-leaning Godspeed You! Black Emperor offshoot Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra plays the 40 Watt Club Tuesday, Apr. 15, and we've got a pair of tickets to give away. To win, tell us in the comments below why YOU deserve to go for free. We'll choose a winner at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.

From this week's paper:

Press play on Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light On Everything, the seventh album from Montreal, Quebec’s Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra, and a child’s voice slips through the speakers: “We live on the island called Montreal, and we make a lot of noise because we love each other.”

The voice is that of singer, guitarist and founding member Efrim Menuck and violinist Jessica Moss’ young son, Ezra. This unfiltered revelation at the beginning of the album’s opening song, “Fuck Off Get Free (For the Island of Montreal),” serves as a preamble to a marching anthem and a declaration of hometown pride that swells with spontaneity and passion. 

It’s also a telling metaphor for the album. “It felt very much like a fight standard when we were writing it,” Menuck says. “Everything else kind of fell into place after that.”

Read the rest of our feature on Thee Silver Mt. Zion.
