Blaine Williams, who’s served as Athens-Clarke County interim manager since Alan Reddish retired in February, is Mayor Nancy Denson’s pick to fill the position permanently.
Denson announced today that she’s named Williams the sole finalist, subject to approval by the ACC Commission at its Apr. 5 meeting. If his appointment is ratified as expected, his contract will run through June 2017.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Mokah & Knowa Johnson
Sen. Bill Cowsert (R-Athens) supported SB 346.
The Georgia Senate has approved, with the support of Oconee County Sen. Bill Cowsert, a bill that would exempt the Georgia Department of Transportation from the provisions of the Georgia Environmental Policy Act.
The exemption likely would have a major effect immediately in Oconee County, as it would allow GDOT to bypass the provisions of the Georgia Environmental Policy Act in widening U.S. 441 from the Watkinsville Bypass to the Madison Bypass, including the construction of a bypass of Bishop.
Gov. Nathan Deal signs a sweeping gun law June 25, 2014.
A proposed "campus carry" law that would allow permit holders to carry concealed weapons on public college and university campuses has drawn widespread opposition not only from administrators, but UGA faculty and staff as well.
But there is now hope that the law may at least be watered down. Gov. Nathan Deal, who had previously indicated that he would sign House Bill 859—which passed the Senate on Friday, landing on his desk—is now backing away. He called on legislators this afternoon to address concerns about the bill and hinted he could veto it otherwise.
John Daniell will run unopposed for chairman of the Oconee County Board of Commissioners in the May 24 Republican primary and in the November general election, unless someone files to run as an independent during qualifying from June 27–July 12.
No one filed to challenge Daniell during the five days of qualifying that ended at noon Friday, and no one filed to run as a Democrat for any Oconee County office.
Photo Credit: Evan Swigart/Wikimedia Commons
As I write this, you’re probably finishing off your first Bloody Mary of the day on this glorious Sunday afternoon. You probably wish it was your third. But don’t expect to be able to get an earlier start anytime soon
House Bill 535, the “Brunch Bill,” has stalled out, killed by our very own Sen. Bill Cowsert (R-Athens), the AJC reports.
The bill would give local communities the option to allow restaurants to start serving alcohol at 10:30 a.m., rather than 12:30 p.m., on Sundays.
Photo Credit: Dede Giddens/file
House Bill 859, which would allow concealed-carry license holders to bring guns onto the UGA campus, is scheduled for a vote in the state Senate tomorrow.
Dave Hudgins.
Deputy Tax Commissioner Toni Meadow has drawn a familiar challenger in the open Clarke County tax commissioner's race.
Dave Hudgins, a lawyer and Athens-Clarke County planning commissioner who has run for ACC Commission twice, qualified to run for the office late Thursday. It's a position that traditionally has been handed down—the current tax commissioner, Mitch Schrader, who's not running for re-election for health reasons, was Nancy Denson's top deputy when she stepped down to run for mayor in 2010, and he ran unopposed that year and in 2012.
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