About a dozen people came to the Athens-Clarke Commission meeting to speak out against a proposed law, aimed at protesters, that would set hours for public spaces like the City Hall grounds.
Chase Street Elementary is the best school in Clarke County at getting its students ready for college and careers.
That's according to the new College and Career Ready Performance Index released Tuesday by the state Department of Education. The CCRPI replaces the Adequate Yearly Progress measurement in No Child Left Behind.
Georgia isn't best friends with bikes. More like a neighbor who seems all right, or that guy at the bar whose name you forgot, but you nod at him anyway.
The state ranks 24th in bicycle friendliness, according to a report release today by the League of American Bicyclists.
Selig Enteprise finally filed plans with Athens-Clarke County today for its proposed development on the Armstrong & Dobbs property between East Broad and Oconee streets.
Doc Eldridge introduces Jack Kingston.
He may be a Republican, but Jack Kingston's an Athens kind of guy. The Savannah congressman rides his bike to work, keeps a rock encyclopedia at his bedside and cut the ribbon on the Allman Brothers' renovated Big House museum in Macon.
A rally at the Five Points fire station today was the last stop on Kingston's statewide tour after announcing his Senate candidacy Thursday.
About 50 Athens-Clarke officials and neighborhood leaders attended an Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation workshop today with noted New Urban planner Jeff Speck. Here are a few quick takeaways, including why we should reconsider downtown parking rates, how to make the city safe and inviting for pedestrians and bicyclists, and why we should think twice before we close College Square.
Legion Pool will open for the summer May 23—assuming the University of Georgia doesn't try to tear it down again, of course.
U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Savannah) has been widely rumored for weeks to be running for retiring U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss' seat. He's scheduled press conferences in Savannah and Brunswick Thursday and more appearances statewide on Friday.
Word just arrived that Kingston is coming to Athens, too. He'll visit Marker 7 Coastal Grill in Five Points at 1 p.m. Saturday.
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