On this week’s episode, co-hosts Baynard Woods and Marc Steiner, joined by producer Imani Spence, talk about the Fugs, exorcising the White House and the state of the counterculture.
Democracy in Crisis is a weekly podcast hosted by Baynard Woods and Marc Steiner, produced and engineered by Imani Spence for The Center for Emerging Media. Theme music by Ruby Fulton and the Rhymes with Orchestra.
Photo Credit: Mary Finn
Gretchen Spieler, 53, a protestor at San Francisco's March for Truth on June 3.
Ten members of St. Gabriel’s Celestial Brass Band gathered at the trolley turnaround at the corner of Market and Powell St in San Francisco last Saturday. The New Orleans second-line brass band usually just “marries ‘em and buries ‘em,” as one band member told me, but today the band volunteered to lead a Market Street procession of protesters gathered for the the San Francisco March for Truth.
The Celestial Band, wearing their uniform of red polo shirts with the band name on the back and black pants, warmed up with a version of “When the Saints Come Marching In.”
But it wasn’t New Orleans that was on the mind of many in the crowd. It was Russia.
Across the country, there were marches for truth scheduled to take place in 150 cities. The stated objective of the march was to call for “urgent investigations into Russian Interference in the US election and ties to Donald Trump, his administration and his associates,” according to the #MarchForTruth national organizing website.
In the second part of a two-week conversation, cohost Baynard Woods talks with scholar and writer Kathleen B. Jones about the relevance of political theorist Hannah Arendt in the age of Trump.
Jones is a professor emerita at San Diego State University and the author of numerous books, stories and essays, including "The Power of Ordinary People Facing Totalitarianism," in The Conversation. She directs a National Endowment for the Humanities program for public school teachers on the work of Arendt.
Democracy in Crisis is a weekly podcast hosted by Baynard Woods and Marc Steiner, produced and engineered by Mark Gunnery for The Center for Emerging Media. Theme music by Ruby Fulton and the Rhymes with Orchestra.
Photo Credit: Federation of Neighborhoods
Clarke County Board of Education member Ovita Thornton will run for Athens-Clarke County Commission in District 9, she announced today.
Thornton is serving her fourth term on the BOE representing District 9, which does not exactly correspond to Commission District 9, but covers much of the same territory in northern Clarke County. She has lived on Fowler Drive for 34 years.
She is also executive director of the Georgia Clients Council, a nonprofit whose mission is "empowering low income people through education and training to create positive changes in their lives and in their communities."
Andrea Wellnitz met hundreds of sympathetic people in Oconee County when she shared concerns about President Trump's election emboldening discrimination against her adopted children from China.
An empathetic response by the North Oconee Rotary Club to a member’s statement of concern about possible discrimination against her Chinese-born, adopted daughters after the November election has had an unexpected outcome.
A group calling itself Oconee Progressives and claiming nearly 300 members has emerged.
The group is political but not necessarily partisan, according to four women who have been instrumental in its formation.
The goal is community building, the women say, and they’ve organized luncheon meetings and picnics for their families so people can get together and share their concerns.
Also planned is a workshop to help children learn how to deal with bullying and another workshop to teach participants how to write more effectively letters to advocate for their causes.
The story of the formation of Oconee Progressives is a complex and surprising one that begins with Andrea Wellnitz, 47, an artist and social worker who works with veterans who are at risk for being homeless.
Wellnitz lives in the far west of the county near Statham.
Wellnitz first shared her concerns about the implications of the elections on her two daughters, adopted from China, with the Rotary.
Then she shared the positive response of the Rotary with her friends on Facebook.
That second sharing led to the emergence of Oconee Progressives.
On this week's podcast, cohost Baynard Woods talks with scholar and writer Kathleen B. Jones about the relevance of political theorist Hannah Arendt in the age of Trump.
Jones is a professor emerita at San Diego State University and the author of numerous books, stories and essays, including "The Power of Ordinary People Facing Totalitarianism," in The Conversation. She directs a National Endowment for the Humanities program for public school teachers on the work of Arendt.
Democracy in Crisis is a weekly podcast hosted by Baynard Woods and Marc Steiner, produced and engineered by Mark Gunnery for The Center for Emerging Media. Theme music by Ruby Fulton and the Rhymes with Orchestra.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones/file
The University of Georgia will conduct further DNA analysis on the remains of former slaves found during a Baldwin Hall construction project in 2015, and try to reconstruct how the campus grew around the Old Athens Cemetery on campus.
A first round of studies by UGA anthropology professor Laurie Reitsema only examined mitochondrial DNA, which is easier to obtain but only contains information from female ancestors. In the second round, Reitsema will team up with University of Texas researchers who specialize in ancient remains to analyze nuclear DNA, which will yield information about the paternal side, and could allow Athens residents to find out if they are descended from anyone whose remains were exhumed.
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead forwarded a memo from University System of Georgia Chancellor Steve Wrigley to faculty, staff and students today laying out how the USG's Office of Legal Affairs interprets the new campus carry law.
The law allows concealed-carry permit holders to carry handguns on public college and university campuses, with some exceptions: athletic events, dorms, fraternity and sorority houses, faculty and staff offices, classrooms where high-school students attend class, daycares and rooms where disciplinary hearings are held.
But the law was written in such a way that it left much ambiguity about where, exactly, on campus guns are allowed, and when. Wrigley and university system lawyers attempted to offer some clarity.
Journalism professor Barry Hollander was kind enough to post the full email, but here are some highlights.
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