Jere Morehead.
The University of Georgia has announced a plan to start reopening in June after three months of closure during the coronavirus pandemic.
President Jere Morehead, Provost Jack Hu and Vice President for Finance and Administration Ryan Nesbit laid out the plan—prepared with advice from health care faculty—in an email to the university community.
Vice presidents, deans, department heads and other supervisors will be responsible for determining when and how the employees they supervise can safely return to campus over the next two weeks.
During Phase 1, staggered or rotating work schedules and telecommuting will be encouraged to maintain social distancing. More people will be brought back to campus during Phase 2, and Phase 3 will be the full return of faculty, staff and students to campus in August.
The University System of Georgia's proposed fiscal 2021 budget calls for eliminating 394 positions at the University of Georgia to meet Gov. Brian Kemp's order for state agencies to cut 14%.
The proposed budget was obtained by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. For all of the USG's 26 institutions combined, it calls for laying off 735 people and freezing another 1,341 open positions. Along with cuts to travel and other expenses, that would save $361 million.
UGA appears to be cutting mostly administrative and support staff, sparing faculty. Those administrative cuts, however, would "lead to a severe disruption in service," USG wrote, including delays in hiring, accounting and processing student accounts. In addition, workers making over $35,000 a year would be furloughed anywhere from four to 16 days, depending on their pay. UGA's current $421 million budget would shrink by $59 million.
University of Georgia faculty, staff and administrators will be furloughed over the coming year under a plan to deal with a looming state budget shortfall.
The Board of Regents approved the plan proposed by University System Chancellor Steve Wrigley in a called meeting conducted via conference call this morning.
The system's lowest-paid employees are exempt, but most employees will have to take four or eight furlough days, depending on their salary. Higher-paid employees will take 16 unpaid days off. The highest—Wrigley and college and university presidents—will take 26 days, the equivalent of a 10% salary cut.
The University of Georgia plans to resume classes on campus this fall, President Jere Morehead said in a message today to students, faculty and staff.
"We are anticipating a resumption of in-person instruction for the Fall Semester beginning in August 2020 for all USG institutions," Morehead said. "However, I would emphasize that this situation remains a fluid one, as the USG monitors developments related to COVID-19 and receives counsel from state public health officials. Guidance could be subject to change, even after our plans are put in place. We will need to remain flexible and patient as we move forward."
Photo Credit: Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA
As long as it's safe to gather in large groups again, the University of Georgia will hold commencement ceremonies for spring 2020 graduates this fall.
Undergraduate commencement is scheduled for Oct. 16 at Sanford Stadium (the Dawgs have an away game that weekend). Graduate students' commencement will be held Dec. 18 at Stegeman Coliseum, in conjunction with the fall 2020 ceremony. The ceremonies will take place "only if it is deemed safe to do so at that time by the CDC and state health officials," UGA President Jere Morehead said.
In celebration of Earth Day's 50th anniversary, the UGA Office of Sustainability will present a virtual exhibition called the UGA Earth Day Challenge. Between climate change and COVID-19, it’s a critical time to contemplate how to collectively maintain our relationships to natural systems. Might as well make it beautiful!
Clarke County now has 54 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with seven residents dying from the disease, according to the latest numbers from the Georgia Department of Public Health.
In Georgia, 5,348 cases have been confirmed, with 163 deaths.
Those who have died in Clarke County range from age 60–89, according to DPH. At least four had underlying conditions making them more susceptible to the disease.
At least 15 University of Georgia students and employees have tested positive. They include one student worker who helped hundreds of fellow students move out of the dorms late last month, after UGA canceled in-person classes for the semester, according to the AJC. UGA said it has notified coworkers and students who checked out during times the student who tested positive was working.
Photo Credit: UGA Grady College
The University of Georgia will move to online classes for the rest of the spring semester and reduce on-campus activities to a minimum, including canceling the May commencement ceremony, President Jere Morehead announced today.
The few students who remain in residence halls because they have nowhere to go can stay, and can get food to go from Bolton Hall. Other students who live on campus and meal plan subscribers will be given refunds on a pro-rated basis. All students will also receive pro-rated refunds on fees. Advising for the fall semester will happen remotely.
Classes will resume online Mar. 30. The deadline to withdraw has been extended until Apr. 17.
De Palma's will be this empty for the foreseeable future.
Maybe you don't want to go to the grocery store right now. Maybe you can't cook. Maybe you're worried about the folks in the service industry who make up a big chunk of our town and are going to be especially hard hit by social distancing as we attempt to flatten the curve of COVID-19 contagion. Here are some restaurants going out of their way to help. Throw 'em some bucks if you can and/or donate to the GIving Kitchen, which will provide resources to those workers. Cosmic Delivery and Bulldawg Food are still operating, as are national services like UberEats.
The University of Georgia announced today that it will be suspending classes for two weeks and told students not to come back from spring break or leave campus Friday.
From USG Executive Vice Chancellor Teresa MacCartney:
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