Photo Credit: Hunter Hulsey
Hunter Hulsey was disgusted when he saw a sign with a poll in the Tate Student Center Plaza Wednesday asking if people agreed that the shooting of Scout Schultz at Georgia Tech was "a clean shoot."
Schultz, a student at Georgia Tech, was shot and killed by police responding to a call of a suspicious person on campus. Schultz reportedly refused to comply with officer orders to drop a multitool he was wielding. It was later revealed Schultz placed the call the brought officers to the scene in what appears to be a suicide by police shooting.
"It pissed me off, so I took a picture," Hulsey said.
Citing ongoing power outages and safety concerns about road debris and non-working traffic lights, the Clarke County School District has cancelled classes and other activities on Wednesday.
The University of Georgia, though, will reopen at 10 a.m. Campus Transit will start running again at 9 a.m., and the first classes will be held at 10:10 a.m.
UGA warned students and employees that travel to campus may take longer than usual, and reminded drivers that intersections where traffic signals are out should be treated as four-way stops.
The University of Georgia will be closed today and Tuesday in anticipation of Hurricane Irma hitting Athens.
All classes, campus events and other activities at UGA are canceled. Residence and dining halls will remain open. Campus Transit will run as long as conditions allow. Designated employees are expected to report to work if they can safely travel.
For more information on UGA's closing, visit
Clarke and Oconee County public schools will be closed today and Tuesday, as will Athens Tech and the University of North Georgia. Athens Christian School, Prince Avenue Christian School and Piedmont College are closed today, but have not announced whether they will be closed Tuesday. Classes will resume at Athens Academy on Tuesday.
Georgia gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp called out the media and his Democratic opponents and defended his record as secretary of state Wednesday night while visiting the UGA College Republicans.
Kemp—joined by newly appointed Judge Regina Quick and Houston Gaines, the former UGA Student Government president looking to fill Quick's vacant state House seat—stopped in his Athens hometown during his statewide campaign tour in an effort to get the college students involved in his "grassroots army."
Photo Credit: Nate Harris
Members of the Demosthenian Society take down a portrait of Robert E. Lee after debating whether to remove it.
The national discussion over Confederate monuments and memorials reached the floor of the Demosthenian Literary Society Thursday night, as the organization debated whether to remove a portrait of Robert E. Lee that hangs in its chamber.
The society offered Lee honorary membership in March 1866.
"My best guess is that they were trying to throw this old guy a bone," said Gilbert Head, a curator of presidential papers at the University Archives and a member of the society. "I don't think they were trying to make any statement at the time."
A portrait of Lee has been in the chamber for several decades. Although some members estimate the portrait was hung up in the 1910s, the portrait itself is likely dated between 1875 and World War I, Head said.
Photo Credit: Barbette Houser
UGA students Kiara Halls and Shayna Slaughter view Moore's "Birth of the Virgin." To the right is "Mr. Henry's Hands."
The bottles sit on a table in a quiet corner, cloudy with age and dusty from disuse. Light streams through a nearby window. Briefly, the bottles are illuminated. The sun moves and the moment vanishes, but it is not lost. Mary Ruth Moore has born witness with her large view camera. In "Cornered" the light will continue to caress the bottles, define their forms and brush their mottled glass surfaces.
A viewer, like me, will stop in front of that photograph, arrested by the image’s simplicity and quietness. It will feel like a window to other things or worlds.
“Works by Mary Ruth Moore,” currently on view at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, is full of such images and moments. Moore has taught at UGA for over 40 years.
Rick Watson.
A conservative website's post about a University of Georgia professor who planned to allow students to choose their own grades went viral over the past couple of days.
Campus Reform wrote Monday about business professor Rick Watson's "stress reduction policy," which would have allowed students who felt "unduly stressed" about their grade email Watson with a suggested grade, "and it will be so changed."
The policy was included in the syllabi for two of Watson's fall courses.
Watson is the Terry College of Business's J. Rex Fuqua Distinguished Chair for Internet Strategy and a regents professor, a position awarded to Georgia universities' most highly distinguished faculty members.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones/file
The University of Georgia will conduct further DNA analysis on the remains of former slaves found during a Baldwin Hall construction project in 2015, and try to reconstruct how the campus grew around the Old Athens Cemetery on campus.
A first round of studies by UGA anthropology professor Laurie Reitsema only examined mitochondrial DNA, which is easier to obtain but only contains information from female ancestors. In the second round, Reitsema will team up with University of Texas researchers who specialize in ancient remains to analyze nuclear DNA, which will yield information about the paternal side, and could allow Athens residents to find out if they are descended from anyone whose remains were exhumed.
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead forwarded a memo from University System of Georgia Chancellor Steve Wrigley to faculty, staff and students today laying out how the USG's Office of Legal Affairs interprets the new campus carry law.
The law allows concealed-carry permit holders to carry handguns on public college and university campuses, with some exceptions: athletic events, dorms, fraternity and sorority houses, faculty and staff offices, classrooms where high-school students attend class, daycares and rooms where disciplinary hearings are held.
But the law was written in such a way that it left much ambiguity about where, exactly, on campus guns are allowed, and when. Wrigley and university system lawyers attempted to offer some clarity.
Journalism professor Barry Hollander was kind enough to post the full email, but here are some highlights.
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