August 20, 2014

Another UGA Student Hit by Car on Baldwin Street


Photo Credit: David Schick

Another University of Georgia student was hit by a vehicle on campus today while trying to cross Baldwin Street. This marks the second student struck within the third day of classes in the same location. Once again, the student was lucky and walked away with just minor scrapes and bruises.

Christy Smith, a fine arts graduate student, witnessed the event and said she "looked up as the bus stopped... saw him get off the bus and come around" to cross the street, when he was struck by a red truck. "This is a very dangerous spot," Smith adds.

The student who was hit, a senior majoring in accounting who would identify himself only as Ben, said the bus was blocking his view of the street.

"I think I'll be fine," Ben said to the EMTs who asked him if he needed to go to the hospital.

"My head hit the windshield," Ben told Flagpole. "I think the windshield cracked." Nevertheless, he declined going to the hospital and headed towards his next class.

UGA police appeared to be writing the driver of the red truck a citation, but officers on the scene would not comment on the specific violation.

While I was interviewing Ben, a car came to a screeching hault while almost hitting another student at the same crosswalk.
