Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Bain Mattox
1. Rhonda
Our new advice columnist is raring to go. Watch this week's Flagpole for a proper introduction, and send your questions to [email protected] (or submit anonymously here).
2. Bain Mattox
The Normal Bar/The World Famous proprietor's two local watering holes were (deservedly! Don't hurt us!) named in a Southern Living feature on the "100 Best Bars in the South."
3. Jack Kingston
The Georgia congressman and U.S. Senate candidate put in some face time in Athens last week at a dedication ceremony for UGA's new research farm, which Kingston was partially responsible for securing. Meanwhile, his opponent, Paul Broun, presumably busy holding gun raffles and such, didn't bother to show up.
4. Adam Kurtz
The Chase Street Elementary principal gets the nod for his school's recent designation as a National Title 1 Distinguished School.
5. David Lowery
Hot off a weekend that saw him headline the 40 Watt three straight nights, the Cracker frontman and Music Business Program lecturer will testify Tuesday in front of a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on copyright law.