March 30, 2015

Athens Power Rankings for the Week of Mar. 30

Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.

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Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones

Slingshot Festival

1. Slingshot Festival

The third annual music and electronic arts festival was a blast. Don't believe us? Check our photo gallery for proof.

2. AlanFest

Another weekend, another festival—this one's in honor of the late UGA student David Alan Lewis. Check this week's Flagpole for more.

3. Collective Harvest CSA

The new local CSA aims to provide fresh, sustainable produce to Athenians. See The Locavore in this week's print issue and online for more. 

4. ACAC Arts in Community Grant recipients

The Athens Cultural Affairs Commission awarded grants to three local projects, including a decorative mosaic at the Pinewoods Trailer Park, wooden benches designed by middle schoolers and an LED light installation in East Athens. See Art Notes this week for more.

5. Ricky Simone

The local activist and MC hosts a benefit show for a planned LGBT community center this Saturday at Hendershot's. Stay tuned for a preview.
