Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
1. Georgia GOP
In case you didn't notice, there were a lot of damn Republicans in town this weekend.
2. Ben & Jerry’s
Now you can feel good about ordering that extra scoop: The Athens location of the ice-cream behemoth has gotten heavily involved in local activism. See this week's Flagpole for more.
3. Jay Gonzalez & Andy Gonzales
The two local musicians square off with a dual (duel?) release show this Friday at the 40 Watt. See this week's paper for more.
4. Athens Area Arts Council
The organization's inaugural Classic City Chalk Fest offered an artistic antidote to all the GOP-mania.
5. The Pine
Since hiring former World Famous chef Jarad Blanton, the Five Points restaurant has stepped its game up, says Flagpole food critic Hillary Brown. Check this week's Grub Notes for more.