August 4, 2014

Flagpole Contributor Rachel Bailey Suffers Head Injury, Friends Seek Donations for Medical Bills

rachel bailey.jpg

Word came in yesterday that Rachel Bailey, a longtime Flagpole contributing writer who has penned many great arts and music features over the last several years, fell and suffered a rather serious head injury Friday, Aug. 2. 

Though Rachel is now home and expected to make a full recovery, friends are seeking donations to help offset the costs of her hospital stay. 

From the Rachel's Noggin blog:

The gal you know and love in the photo above took a tumble Friday August 1, and wound up with a skull fracture and sub-dermal hematoma. Even with insurance, Rachel will be left with some hefty bills after her luxurious stay at Hotel Athens Regional. These substantial bills will be exacerbated by the fact that she'll be out of work for a few weeks recovering with no income. After these events, Rachel could sure use a financial fist-bump from the friends, family, and community she pitches in for so often.

We know she'd do it for us, so we're hoping we can rally our friends and family to pitch in for her. We want her to be able to focus on her recovery, instead of worrying that broken noggin over how she'll cover these bills while being out of work. Willie Mae (pictured) isn't much of a breadwinner.

Flagpole's thoughts are with Rachel as she recovers from her injuries. To donate, visit the PayPal page linked on the blog.
