July 24, 2012

Los Meesfits: Los Meesfits

Creative pastiche meets sincere parody

You don't have to be a fan of The Misfits to like Los Meesfits. You don't have to speak Spanish, either. You may feel you have to ask yourself if the band is serious, but it's unnecessary. Just sip your drink and let your puzzlement melt into pleasure.

It may help to have seen a few Tarantino and Coen Brothers movies—the album's warm desert horns and sand-scratched vocals wouldn't be out of place on the soundtrack to one of those films, and the band boasts a similar attitude. These songs have the same paradoxical air of creative pastiche and sincere parody that makes The Big Lebowski great.

Opener “Cárcel Londres” ("London Dungeon") sets the tone. The record keeps up the pace through nine tracks, pausing only for a (pretty fantastic) timbales solo on “Un Tipo de Amor.” Wu-Tang-style sound bites inject some levity. But instead of "Kung Fu" clips, it's "Ren and Stimpy"—an appropriate reference for a record that's both as joyful and serious as the smiling skull on its cover.
