Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Tim Denson
1. Packway Handle Band
The local bluegrass weirdos CHILLED THE MOST aboard Kid Rock's music-fest cruise last week and lived to tell about it. See this week's Flagpole for a condensed version of their travels and a very excellent photograph of the fellas with the cock-rockin' captain himself.
2. Jay & Diane Suh
The owners of sushi spot Shokitini announced their intention to open a Korean barbecue joint in the former Echo/Farm 255 space on W. Washington Street downtown. People got excited.
3. Covenant Presbyterian Church
As outlined in our most-shared story of last week, the Eastside church made headlines for its former pastor's book—which finds a biblical justification for same-sex marriage—and its ongoing LGBT outreach.
4. Tim Denson
It's Denson vs. Denson in this year's mayoral election. But there can be only one. (Denson, that is.) Tim's grassroots campaign has grown steadily over the past few months, though his coffer is not nearly as flush with cash as his incumbent opponent's. Can he pull off the upset…
5. Nancy Denson
…Or are we destined for four more years to live listlessly forever under the watchful gaze of our friendly neighborhood overlord?