October 17, 2014

Todd Gurley Is Now a Political Football


Georgia running back/one-time Heisman hopeful/possible demigod Todd Gurley won't be on the field against Arkansas tomorrow, but Gov. Nathan Deal and Democratic challenger Jason Carter are counting on him to help run up the score Nov. 4.

Here's Carter pandering to Bulldog fans:

See that sign in the background? Mercer is Gov. Nathan Deal's alma mater.

Now, allow Deal to retort:

Gurley is standing directly behind him. To his left are wide receiver Michael Bennett and quarterback Hutson Mason. Yes, the governor is really that short.

Glad you're discussing the big issues, guys. For the record, I'm the one who started this nonsense.

On to a more serious topic—football. President Jere Morehead and Athletic Director Greg McGarity flew to Indianapolis to meet with the NCAA Committee on Infractions Wednesday about swimming coach Jack Baurle, and they also discussed Gurley's case. But according to the AJC, the university has yet to finish its investigation. 

Even if it were finished, reporter Chip Towers believes Gurley would receive at least a two-game suspension, anyway. (I've also heard that he's slated to return versus Florida Nov. 1.)

Or not. Sportswriter and Athens resident Will Leitch argues that the smart move for Gurley would be to walk away.

Todd Gurley's name at the University of Georgia will never be bigger than it is right now. If someone were being coldly logical about this, the smartest way for Gurley to secure his future isn't to get back on the field, but to sign every piece of memorabilia in sight, right now, for whatever he can get. Then get suspended and spend the next six months training for the combine. No one will hit him, his knee won't plant strangely on cheap turf, he can even, lo, hire an agent to make sure someone is watching out for what's best for him, not the university or that guy you'll never meet and shouldn't care about who's screaming for him from the East end zone.

Given the hypocritical, morally bankrupt shitshow that is the NCAA, Leitch is probably right.

Photo of the West Washington parking deck by Cameron Treadway via Twitter. H/T Georgia Sports Blog.
