Kishi Bashi
It's about that time where folks start looking forward to AthFest, which takes place June 18–22 this year. Now, hot on the heels of the news of AthFest Educates' new director, comes the news of who will headline the event's music portion, which kicks off with the annual Flagpole Athens Music Awards at the Morton Theatre on Thursday, June 19.
(We promise there's no April Foolin' afoot here.)
More after the jump.
It's April Fool's Day, so make of this announcement from Green Room what you like. But it probably (definitely?) means that prodigal sons Futurebirds are totally (maybe?) playing a surprise show at that venue tonight.
Yesterday we brought you the news that "Party Down South," the CMT series that features eight under-brained young adults with nicknames like "Daddy" and "Lil' Bit" living together for a couple months and terrorizing whatever unlucky locale happens to be playing host while destroying their minds and bodies with insane amounts of alcohol, has chosen our unlucky locale to film its upcoming second season.
Already, tales of horror have started to filter in, with folks reporting sightings of cast members riding through downtown in trucks and imploring female bystanders to bare their breasts for the cameras.
And that was Monday morning. We have a feeling it will get much worse before it gets better.
So, as a public service, we'll track further tales of menace (or, y'know, just let you know where they are so you can stalk/harass/avoid them) in this post, which we'll update as tips come in. Send us your sightings on Twitter at @FlagpoleMag, or via Facebook.
More after the jump.
Looking for another reason to party? Heavy electro-rock outfit Conspirator, the Philadelphia-based group fronted by the Disco Biscuits' Marc Brownstein, hits Athens Saturday, Apr. 5 for a late-night show at the Georgia Theatre. Tickets are $15, but we've got a pair just sittin' here, ready to give away.
To enter the contest, comment after the jump with why YOU deserve to go for free. We'll choose a winner this Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Beloved local psych-pop mainstay of Montreal plays the 40 Watt Club tonight, and we've got a pair of tickets to give away. To win, tell us in the comments after the jump why YOU deserve to go for free. We'll choose a winner at 5 p.m.
Whew, that's a lot of "new"s. After the jump, check out the just-released five-track EP from local "doom-pop" outfit New Wives. The band describes the self-titled effort, which it also refers to as the Black EP, as denser and darker than its debut outing, appropriately dubbed the White EP.
We've been waiting over a year-and-a-half for the proper follow-up to This is What Your Mind Imagines, the hard-hitting bummer-thrash debut from willfully contentious local outfit Muuy Biien (Flagpole review). Sure, its members have dabbled successfully in ambient and dronein the meantime, but those itching for another slab of death-grooving doom-punk have been left unfulfilled.
Until now, that is. After the jump, stream "She Bursts (Reprise)," the first single from Muuy Biien's sophomore LP, titled DYI and out Apr. 29 via HHBTM. Folks who have caught one of the group's live sets over the past few months will recognize the tune in all its driving, assonant, early-Deerhunter-esque glory.
Cara Beth Satalino
There are plenty of options for live music goodness to help you get over the proverbial hump this week. After the jump, three of our picks.
Photo Credit: Cory Moore Smith
Psych-pop outfit King of Prussia started in Athens, but its leader Brandon Hanick has since traveled the globe, settling for a spell in Barcelona, Spain, where he wrote and recorded half of what would become King of Prussia's new double-album, Zonian Girls… And The Echoes That Surround Us All.
The other half of the record, which marries lilting pop melodies with dense, deliberate arrangements and is out Apr. 8 via Minty Fresh, was put to tape right here in Hanick's onetime home with the help of The Glow Recording Studio's Jesse Mangum, and features contributions from notable locals like Mike Mills.
Flagpole caught up with Hanick, who kicks off a 23-date U.S. tour Thursday, Mar. 27 at Flicker Theatre & Bar. Read the Q&A after the jump.
In our feature on the Slingshot Festival last week, we told you about the upcoming album from Elephant 6 mainstay Circulatory System. Mosaics Within Mosaics, the group's third LP, will be out June 24 via Cloud, and now you can hear the first single from the double-album via Pitchfork. (There's the cover art above.)
More after the jump.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out after the jump.
Those looking for an update on the status of downtown brewery Creature Comforts, which has been in the works for over a year, got an encouraging one this afternoon, when the company posted the news to its Twitter and Facebook pages that it would officially begin brewing in the former Snow Tire space Monday, Mar. 24. This places the estimated opening date four to five weeks away.
More info after the jump.
Comedian Doug Benson, known and beloved for his marijuana-obsessed podcasts, movies and stand-up, performs Saturday evening at the Morton Theatre as part of this year's Slingshot Festival (read our feature on that happening, which includes a short profile of Benson, here).
More after the jump.
In addition to the R.E.M. "Unplugged" 4-LP set we told you about the other day, two other well-known Athens groups will release exclusive, limited-edition vinyl for Record Store Day, which is Saturday, Apr. 19.
Info after the jump.
The 2014 incarnation of the Sprockets International Music Video Festival will happen July 18 and 19 at Cine and the 40 Watt Club, respectively, according to a press release from parent nonprofit Film Athens.
The festival, whose panel of judges awards the prize for Best Music Video and also includes the crowd-sourced Audience Choice and Best Georgia Video awards, seeks to highlight emerging and established filmmakers and their work alongside musicians. Groups from Athens and the wider world are encouraged to submit videos. Last year's grand prize went to Craig Sheldon and Lauren Gregg for their clip for local band Grape Soda's "Obvious Signs."
Submission details after the jump.
The Olivia Tremor Control
Though it was officially founded in Denver, CO, and many of its mainstays hailed from rural Louisiana, the Elephant 6 Recording Company and collective put Athens on the cultural map in the 1990s in much the same way R.E.M. had the previous decade. Bands like Neutral Milk Hotel, the Olivia Tremor Control, of Montreal and Apples in Stereo offered inspired variations on a similar theme, exploring the contours of pop music and psychedelia with equal parts passion, subversiveness and ingenuity.
The world took notice, and when Neutral Milk Hotel, arguably the most successful of the E6 crowd, reconvened last year, it inspired yet another wave of attention. Now, per a press release, several Athens venues and organizations "are coordinating to celebrate the impact of [E6] in a season-long series of exhibitions, screenings and events."
Details after the jump.
In honor of Record Store Day, the now annual event whose 2014 incarnation takes place Saturday, Apr. 19, R.E.M. has announced it will release a limited edition, four-LP collection titled Unplugged: The Complete 1991 And 2001 Sessions. As the title implies, the set will compile both of the band's appearances on MTV's once-essential "Unplugged" series.
The two performances are separated by 10 years (as the press release notes, R.E.M. was the only act to ever headline the program twice). The first, from 1991, is heavy on material from the then-new Out of Time; the other, from 2001, aired soon after the release of the still-underrated Reveal.
More info after the jump.
Amy Godwin
If you need a dose of live music to take the edge off this dreary Monday, there are two shows this evening particularly worthy of your time. First, at the Caledonia Lounge, enjoy a terrific triple-bill headlined by E6 comeback kids Circulatory System, who will release a long-awaited third LP, Mosaics Within Mosaics, this summer. Along with Drag City psych-folk duoNew Bums (read our feature on that band here), the openers include Atlanta-based songstress Amy Godwin, whose ghostly, loop-based ukelele-and-voice compositions offer a more earthy local counterpoint to artists like Julianna Barwick.
Stream music and read on after the jump.
The deadline to apply for a spot on the annual AthFest compilation is fast approaching. If you want that totally brilliant, universe-altering, hands-down no-question GOAT tune you've been sitting on for months to appear on the album, you'd better submit it here by Sunday, Mar. 16.
More after the jump.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out after the jump.
Page 31 of 56, showing 20 records out of 1106 total, starting on record 601, ending on 620