"Dolly Parton just got weird."
That’s the one phrase I scribbled in my notebook app during Powerkompany’s concise yet powerful show at Big Irv’s, a new DIY space in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The special Valentine’s Day set was the final stop on the band’s Fashion Week Tour, which had the Athens-based dream-folk duo trekking up the East Coast to open the Tilly & William FW 2014 fashion presentation. That show ended up getting canceled (hotels take snow days?), but the 30 or so 20-somethings that huddled at the living room-y venue were treated to a low-key, intimately moving half-hour.
Water Liars
Tonight at Normaltown Hall, Mississippi folk-rockers Water Liars return to perform tunes from their stellar new self-titled LP, which is out on Fat Possum this month. The arid songscapes of the group's previous outing, Wyoming, have been replaced with a full-band bombast that serves to elevate frontman Justin Kinkel-Schuster's bleak, desperate songwriting. Stream "I Want Blood" after the jump.
Katër Mass is set to release Circles, the follow-up to its 2012 debut [kaht-ur mahs], later this month via Added Warmth/Pizza Tomb. The album's 11 tracks will delight fans of the sneakily melodic strain of post-hardcore that emerged from the East Coast in the mid-'90s; Katër Mass' urgent, emotionally resonant brand of punk rock has more than a little bit in common with that of genre linchpins like Hot Water Music and Rise Against. In the local band's case, it's all offset by a gleefully goofy attitude that peeks through at unexpected moments but never distracts from the mission at hand.
After the jump, check out an exclusive stream of "Brain Dead," the first track from Circles, which was recorded by Mike Albanese at local studio Espresso Machine and mastered by sound wizard Joel Hatstat. As an added bonus for longtime Flagpole readers, the song features the (unwitting and angry) vocal talents of a certain music columnist.
Will Johnson
Centro-matic frontman Will Johnson returns to Athens for a Living Room Show next Tuesday, Feb. 18, and you're in luck, Chuck: Tickets are still available via Undertow.
More after the jump.
Since we're all stuck inside for the next 36 hours and probably beyond that, we might as well listen to some good tunes together. Feel free to post YouTube links to your favorite snow-day/ice-storm songs in the comments after the jump. We'll choose our favorites throughout the storm and throw 'em in our video playlist.
Welcome to Behind the Scene, a biweekly series where Flagpole and Dirtty Toe Productions profile the people who work offstage to make Athens music matter.
Cartter Fontaine
[Editor's note: Yesterday, we previewed our new web series. Today, we're kicking things off by profiling one of the folks who will be assisting us in our new endeavor.]
Who he is: Cartter Fontaine
What he does: President of Dirtty Toe Productions
Video and more after the jump.
Here at Flagpole, we pay a lot of attention to the musicians that comprise the Athens scene, and rightfully so. But, as anyone who's spent even a modicum of time in our little creative ecosystem can attest, there are hundreds of local folks who labor just as hard offstage to make it all happen.
We've struggled for years with the issue of how to give these folks the recognition they deserve. And while our new web series, Behind the Scene, may not be the end-all, we think it's a pretty good start.
More after the jump.
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