Photo Credit: Lee Becker
When Oconee County voters go to the polls for the Nov. 4 election, they will be asked to vote "yes" or "no" on a 1 percent sales tax that, according to the ballot language, is expected raise $55.6 million over the six-year life of the tax.
Voters also will be presented with list of projects to be funded, including water and sewer infrastructure, roads, farmland protection, libraries and parks and recreational facilities.
An analysis of collections from the current 1 percent Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax shows that the county will have to experience strong growth rates to realize that $55.6 million goal.
Photo Credit: Blake Aued
The University of Georgia is finally getting rid of its coal-fired boiler, President Jere Morehead announced today.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Photo Credit: Randy Schafer
UPDATE 1:18 p.m.: Police have given the "all clear." Go about your business. Police Chief Jimmy Williamson has scheduled a 2 p.m. news conference.
University of Georgia police are urging everyone to stay away from the Miller Learning Center due to a "threat of violence."
The Oconee County Code Enforcement Office issued a building permit on Thursday for construction of the 70-unit Thrive senior living facility on Virgil Langford Road in Resurgence Park.
Photo Credit: Blake Aued
The Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections will consider holding early voting on a Sunday next month, according to Clarke County Democratic Committee Chairman Joe Wisenbaker.
DeKalb County kicked off the Sunday voting trend last week, scheduling early voting on Sundays in an effort to draw "souls to the polls"—African American churches busing their mostly Democratic congregants to voting booths. Since then, Fulton and Lowndes counties—both rich sources of Democratic votes—have followed suit.
Republicans have called the move "blatantly partisan" and vowed to put an end to Sunday voting during next year's legislative session. It's part of a larger battle in which Democrats are trying to register and turn out more voters, while the GOP is trying to block them.
Various news outlets are reporting that U.S. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Athens) is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee Office of Congressional Ethics.
Photo Credit: Jason Thrasher via Taco Stand's Facebook page.
5. Atlanta (RIP)
4. Watkinsville (RIP)
3. Eastside
2. Downtown
1. Milledge
Update: Apparently there was an Atlanta Taco Stand. You learn something new every day.
@FlagpoleMag As the world's foremost expert, I can say old Eastside location was the best. Atlanta location (RIP) will always be the worst.
— John Frierson (@TheFrierson) September 16, 2014
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