The University of Georgia will raise its lowest-paid employees' salaries by $500, administrators said today.
UGA's minimum salary for fiscal 2015, which starts July 1, will be $22,750, up from the current $22,250, Vice President for Finance Ryan Nesbitt told reporters this morning.
Last week, I told you that a new contract between Athens Transit and Campus Transit would prohibit UGA buses from stopping between the main campus and Health Sciences Campus in Normaltown. Well, maybe not.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Adam Klein
A just-married couple leaves Seattle City Hall. Credit: Dennis Bratland.
Georgia has joined the more than 40 states where lawsuits seeking to overturn a ban on same-sex marriage have been filed.
Lambda Legal, a nonprofit devoted to gay rights, filed suit this morning in U.S. District Court challenging the amendment to the state constitution banning same-sex marriage and civil unions that passed in 2004.
Oconee County Commission Chairman Melvin Davis. [credit: Lee Becker]
When the Oconee County Board of Commissioners began its overhaul of its farmland protection program 15 months ago, it did so, County Attorney Daniel Haygood said at the time, to make the process more transparent and to make sure the county was following state open records and open meetings laws.
Since that time, the board assembled two different committees, one of which replaced a citizen committee that had been screening farms for the county’s program.
Today is the last day to register to vote in the May 20 election or, if you've moved, to change your address.
Ever since the University of Georgia started operating a free bus that runs between the Health Sciences Campus in Normaltown and the main campus, Athens Transit has been struggling with lost ridership and revenue as riders opted to take the free bus that runs every 20 minutes rather than wait for the one that comes once and hour and costs $1.60.
No more. Starting July 1, the Health Sciences bus won't stop on Prince Avenue and won't pick up passengers who aren't UGA students or employees.
The Watkinsville City Council last week interjected itself into the ongoing discussion about what to do with the existing Oconee County Courthouse by unanimously passing a resolution, authored by Brian Brodrick, stating that it believes county offices should remain in downtown Watkinsville.
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