The Board of Regents voted today to raise tuition at the University of Georgia by 7 percent, continuing the trend of shifting costs from taxpayers to students and their families.
In-state tuition for UGA students who take more than six hours of classes will be $4,295 per semester in the fall, compared to $4,014 this year.
Even before today's tuition hike, UGA students were already resorting to online fundraisersto pay their school bills. This fall, some of them will struggle even more, according to Claire Suggs, senior education policy analyst at the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute:
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper expressed discontent that many college applicants are starting to mention Edward Snowden as their personal hero, describing his leaks as "the most massive and damaging theft in our country's history." Clapper defended the right of whistleblowing but contended that Snowden does not deserve the label because he did not report his concerns up the chain of command, to Congress or to the Justice Department.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
The future site of The Falls at Oconee (now with 100 percent fewer falls). Photo credit: Lee Becker.
The developers of The Falls of Oconee project on Old Macon Highway have submitted revised preliminary site plans to the Oconee County Planning Department that eliminate access to the falls and the creek below it.
Oconee County rather quietly has cancelled its Easter Egg Hunt originally scheduled for Apr. 19—the day before Easter—at Oconee Veterans Park.
A rendering of the development as seen from Oconee Street.
Did you hate Selig Enterprises' plans for the Armstrong & Dobbs property on the eastern edge of downtown? Wait 'til you see this.
Atlanta-based Selig and its new majority partner, Athens student housing developer Landmark Properties, have submitted new plans drawn up by Oconee County's Williams & Associates for the eight-acre tract between East Broad and Oconee streets—and they're worse than ever.
A University of Georgia student who died in his dorm room in January was killed by an accidental fentanyl overdose, according to a toxicology report released today.
David Peacock Braun, 21, of Marietta, was found dead in his East Campus Village dorm room Jan. 14 after one of his suitemates told housing officials he hadn't come out of his room in days.
Gov. Nathan Deal announced plans to reform the board that regulates campaign finance in the wake of a whistleblower lawsuit involving a top investigator who a jury ruled was fired for looking at his finances too closely.
Deal—speaking to reporters at the University of Georgia today after giving a speech on economic development—criticized the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission for focusing on his 2010 campaign to the exclusion of other cases, calling himself the most-investigated governor in state history.
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