The industrial development authorities of Oconee and Athens-Clarke counties in early 2012 granted two no-bid contracts totaling $870,079 to Williams and Associates land planners of Oconee County for engineering services for the Caterpillar project.
Trucks headed to Atlanta might be rerouted through Athens during the ice storm that's expected to hit North Georgia tonight.
Public Safety Commissioner Mark McDonough said his department is considering two alternate routes for trucks that ordinarily would be passing through Atlanta (not those that are making deliveries in Atlanta): U.S. Highway 441 and U.S. Highway 27, which runs along the Alabama state line.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out after the jump.
Chief Superior Court Judge David Sweat wants a $25 million judicial facility added to the list of projects to be funded by Oconee County’s 2015 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.
Oconee County Coroner Ed Carson wants $55,000 for a transport van.
These two requests bracket $100.2 million in requests that will be summarized in a public hearing with the Oconee County Board of Commissioners that will start at 6 p.m. today at the Civic Center on Hog Mountain Road.
The Commissioners have to pare that list down to about $38 million before they vote on March 4, as they are expected to do, to put the issue on the May 20 ballot.
The meeting tonight is the second and final chance for citizens to publicly express their feelings about the proposed projects and which ones will likely lead them to vote in favor of the tax at the May election.
Mayor Nancy Denson is on pace to raise six figures for her re-election campaign. She raised $28,356 last month, bringing her total to $45,971 and had $35,055 cash on hand as of Jan. 31, according to a report filed Feb. 7 with the Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections.
Political and development figures are funding a big part of her campaign.
Thank you, sir, may I have another?
Eleven members of UGA's Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity were charged with hazing Thursday night.
The arrests stemmed from a pledge event Jan. 27 and 28, according to University of Georgia police.
Campaign season is in full swing. Here are a few upcoming events where you can size up the candidates for yourselves.
U.S. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Athens) is the 196th most conservative House member out of 435, according to the National Journal, a conservative political magazine.
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