As predicted, a century-old cottage that was left out of the Buena Vista historic district last year has been demolished. Homebuilder Jared York took down the cottage at 167 Park Ave. today.
Credit: Natalie Blackburn via Flickr.
An upcoming streetscape project will drastically change downtown Athens. You can learn more at a drop-in public forum from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at the Dougherty Street government building.
Spokesman Brian Broderick of the local PR firm Jackson-Spalding denied that the project is "on hold" and said Selig still holds options to buy the Armstrong & Dobbs property between East Broad and Oconee streets, but in response to an inquiry from Flagpole, he sent the following statement attributed to Selig Senior Vice President Jo Ann Chitty:
"I think Obamacare, if it's fully implemented, the American you and I know and love will be destroyed," Ralph Hudgens said. "Why would I help implement that?"
After every UGA home football game, Flagpole news intern David Schick will be checking the police blotter to find the weekend's funniest drunken antics. Here's the first installment:
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Athens is No. 1 on the list of Cities on the Most Lists.
Last week, something called Simple Economist named Athens "best town in the world." (That statement may be somewhat hyperbolic, although we can't really disagree.)
Wednesday, MSN Real Estate included us on a list of "10 college football towns—for grownups."
The Athens-Clarke Commission approved arena-style seating for the Classic Center tonight in spite of citizens' concerns about circuses abusing animals.
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