Clarke County Tax Commissioner Mitch Schrader died Sunday after a long illness, the Athens Banner-Herald reports. He was 54.
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Take a dip, cool off, insert summer cliche here.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones/file
People have lots of complaints about Athens Transit: Buses don’t come often enough; it doesn’t go enough places; it’s too expensive.
While those are legitimate concerns—and a study is underway to examine those issues—let us remember that Athens Transit, whatever its flaws, is really an excellent system, especially for a city this size.
In fact, on Wednesday the Community Transportation Association of America, at its annual conference in Portland, OR, named Athens Transit the Urban Community Transportation System of the Year.
In particular, CTAA cited:
U.S. Rep. Doug "Mic Drop" Collins (R-Gainesville).
Incumbent 9th District congressman Doug Collins trounced former Rep. Paul Broun in yesterday's Republican primary—a race in which Collins did not hesitate to throw Broun'stroubled ethical past in his face, while Broun labeled Collins an establishment lackey.
Well, Collins was not exactly magnanimous in defeat. Here's the victory statement issued by his campaign last night (emphasis mine):
Photo Credit: Joshua Jones
John Knox speaks to supporters at the Morton Theatre, where his former students in the band Dank performed, after winning a Clarke County Board of Education seat.
Paul Broun, the controversial former congressman from Athens, failed in his bid to return to Washington tonight, losing in the Republican primary to incumbent Rep. Doug Collins of Gainesville.
Collins received 61 percent of the vote in the 9th District, which runs from the northern edge of Athens through the Northeast Georgia mountains. Broun won 22 percent in the five-man race.
UGA geography professor John Knox edged out lawyer Kamau Hull in a much-watched nonpartisan Board of Education race. Knox received 431 votes (52 percent) to Hull's 394 in the Eastside district.
Toni Meadow—incumbent Mitch Schrader's hand-picked successor—easily won the tax commissioner's race against Dave Hudgins, 62–38, in the Democratic primary.
The location of the proposed dealerships.
All three of Oconee County’s voting commissioners acknowledge meeting with the representative of the developer seeking to rezone properties on Highway 316 at Virgil Langford Road for auto dealerships—at least one of which is currently located in Clarke County—but each said he has not yet decided how to vote on the request.
Advantage Behavioral Health Systems has closed on a $2.8 million deal to buy the Clarke County School District’s former headquarters on Mitchell Bridge Road, the nonprofit announced today.
The school board approved the sale earlier this month.
“This property will allow us to consolidate three of our locations in one space, enabling us to reduce our overhead costs while expanding access to those we serve,” CEO O.J. Booker said in a news release.
Photo Credit: Eric Kilby/Wikimedia Commons
The Athens Downtown Development Authority has put together a last-minute Independence Day fireworks celebration after Georgia Square Mall, which has hosted the pyrotechnics display for the past two years, canceled the upcoming event last week.
No company was available to shoot off fireworks on July 4, but the ADDA board voted this afternoon to approve a $20,000 contract for a fireworks show on Friday, July 1. ADDA Executive Director Pamela Thompson said she is confident she can raise that amount through corporate sponsorships.
The fireworks will be launched starting at 9:30 p.m. from the top of the Classic Center parking deck, which is the only place downtown that the Athens-Clarke County fire marshal deemed safe, Thompson said.
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