September 11, 2018

Anti-Abrams Flyers Found Inside Copies of Flagpole Downtown, on Campus


Photo Credit: @hello_madison/Twitter

Several weeks ago, we began getting tips from readers that someone (or someones) had been inserting pro-GOP flyers inside random issues of Flagpole.

The leaflets, which have been found at various distribution locations downtown and on campus, warned of the evils of antifa and the "Democrat Party" while admonishing readers to "VOTE CONSERVATIVE."

As Publisher Pete McCommons wrote in his column last week:

In a classic use of the wrong medium for the wrong message, somebody has been inserting confusing leaflets into random Flagpole boxes. We’ll let the police handle it, but meanwhile, if any of our readers believe that these weirdly worded intrusions into our Flagpole distribution are approved by this newspaper: Nope!

A second flyer, assembled in a similarly amateurish style, has since been found inside copies of the current issue of Flagpole, with the [sic]-begging header "No to Stacy Abrams," whom the leaflet's author describes as a "debt-ridden Venezuela-style socialist." (It also mentions Sharia law, because of course it does.)

As Pete noted, these flyers were not created by Flagpole, nor did we insert them into our newspapers.

 In the meantime, we urge readers who find them—or see anything suspicious at any of our boxes—to shoot an email to to let us know. 
