The graduation rate at Clarke Central rose by 15 points last year.
More than 80 percent of Clarke County School District students graduated within four years in 2015, the district announced Monday—by far the highest mark since the current measurement standard was implemented.
The statewide graduation rate rose from 72.5 percent to 78.8 percent.
The overall graduation rate for the district rose from 63.2 percent last year to 80.3 percent. (That’s an increase of 17 percentage points or 27 percent, not 17 percent as the district stated in its news release.)
At Clarke Central High School, it rose from 68.2 percent last year to 83.3 percent. At Cedar Shoals, it rose from 71.3 percent to 84.2 percent. At Classic City, the alternative school, it rose from 20.7 percent to 50.7 percent.
Photo Credit: Lee Gatlin
After every UGA home football game, Flagpole checks the police blotter to find the weekend’s strangest drunken antics. All information is taken from Athens-Clarke County police reports.
Photo Credit: Tim Sackton/Flickr
Dozens of Athens families may have to go without a turkey this Thanksgiving unless some generous souls step up.
Bird flu decimated the turkey population this year, which has driven prices up and out of reach of the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank, according to the group’s president, Kim Ramos.
Photo Credit: Lee Becker
Sarah Bell, sporting a sticker from her run against Oconee County Commission Chairman Melvin Davis in 2012.
Oconee County Board of Commissioners Chairman Melvin Davis called the owner of the property where Sarah Bell plans to locate her We Care animal shelter one week after Special Master James Warnes dismissed Bell’s ethics complaint against Davis.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones/file
As Athens-Clarke County commissioners took a preliminary vote on a 20-year, $240 million plan for water and sewer service Tuesday night, the main issue on their minds was how the plan will tackle the environmental hazard of aging and failing septic tanks in sensitive areas.
As complex an issue as this is, it wasn't nearly as complicated as the parliamentary equivalent of a Benny Hill chase scene that followed. Everyone in Athens now has asthma from the dumpster-fire pollution.
Here’s how it went down (illustrated with GIFs):
Singer-songwriter Dodd Ferrelle was elected mayor of Winterville on Tuesday with 53 percent of the vote.
Running on a platform of citizen involvement, revitalizing downtown, improving WInterville Elementary School and keeping Winterville’s small-town charm while preparing for growth, Ferrelle beat engineer George Chandler (who received 27 percent of the vote) and city councilman Kenneth Hodges (20 percent).
Imagine the General Lee was a scooter.
An early-morning scooter chase through the Eastside ended with the driver, Jeremy Lynyrd Coon, facing multiple charges.
Athens-Clarke County police officers said they followed the scooter on Barnett Shoals Road around 4 a.m. due to a recent rash of scooter thefts.
The driver turned onto Johnson Drive, and while traveling toward Lexington Road, he crossed the center line, according to police.
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