Discussion of a liquor-by-the-drink referendum tops a busy agenda of the Oconee County Board of Commissioners Tuesday night that also includes consideration of contracts for three roadway projects, at least one of which has been controversial in the past.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Winner, winner, chicken… Never mind.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones
The primary runoff Tuesday night confirmed that Republican businessman David Perdue is Democrat Michelle Nunn’s opponent for the U.S. Senate seat when Perdue defeated 11-term U.S. Representative Jack Kingston by about 51 to 49 percent. Knowing who she will now face, Nunn stopped by a fairly-crowded Little Kings Shuffle Club in downtown Athens Wednesday afternoon to talk more about the election.
Photo Credit: David Schick
Athens Clarke County's new District 3 commissioner is Melissa Link, who won the runoff tonight with 54 percent of the vote, 436 votes to 372, in a low-turnout second round of voting.
Nice to meet you. Now empty your pockets.
When UGA President Jere Morehead took office last year, he announced a goal of raising $1 billion by 2020. He's an eighth of the way there. From UGA News Service:
Last month, we told you about how congressional candidate Jody Hice is Paul Broun 2.0. Hice—who is what would happen if Stephen Colbert was being serious—is seeking the Athens representative's seat after Broun's failed Senate bid.
Photo Credit: seaportair.com
Athens is likely to lose commercial air service at the end of September, after the Federal Aviation Administration pulls a $1.6 million annual subsidy, the Athens-Clarke County government announced today.
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