Photo Credit: Porter McLeod
Creature Comforts' David Stein pours a beer from a tank at the downtown Athens brewery.
Creative Loafing reported last month that Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle (who received $130,000 in campaign contributions from alcohol distributors in 2014) was working to kill Senate Bill 63, the "Georgia Beer Jobs Bill," which would have allowed breweries to sell beer directly to the public.
Cagle didn't kill the bill, but it looks like he's at least partially gutted it. A version with the direct-sales clause removed is coming up for a vote Friday, the last day of the session for legislation to pass one chamber and move on to the other.
In Georgia, 541,080 consumers enrolled in or renewed health coverage through the Affordable Care Act exchanges during the latest open enrollment period, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced today.
Photo Credit: Dede Giddens
Remember the UGA frat boy who got in trouble a couple weeks ago for firing a gun in the airduring a beef with a neighboring fraternity? That would be totally legal, if a Georgia lawmaker gets his way.
For the third year in a row, a state legislature has introduced a bill to legalize carrying guns on college campuses. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
Photo Credit: Blake Aued
New downtown truck delivery zones seem to be "working well" two months in, Athens Downtown Development Authority director Pamela Thompson said Thursday. An evaluation is underway, but feedback so far has been positive, she told the Downtown Master Plan Committee.
Padgett at the state Republican convention in Athens in 2013.
Longtime Athens Republican John Padgett, currently chairman of the state GOP, has been hit with a lawsuit alleging that he has discriminated against minority employees at his ambulance business.
Book 'em, Danno.
Former Athens-Clarke County mayoral candidate Tim Denson (pictured at left), University of Georgia student Adam Veale and Athens for Everyone board member Adam Lassila were among 12 people arrested this afternoon during a demonstration in favor of expanding Medicaid at the state Capitol.
According to a news release from Athens for Everyone:
Six University of Georgia students broke out in song and dance around noon Friday in Tate Plaza to bring attention to their campaign asking President Jere Morehead to affiliate UGA with the Worker Rights Consortium, an independent labor rights monitoring organization.
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