If you were not among the throngs treating local grocery stores like a cloud of locusts, and you somehow missed planning for the Snow/Ice/Sleetpocalypse that is now upon us, what can you do to fill your belly and get your drink on? Here are the places we know of that are open Wednesday.
If you have not driven the particular stretch of Baxter lately where Locos used to have its sign, you may not have realized that Troubadour Pub & Grill is now open in that location and has been for a week or so. The old UGA scoreboard remains up, but the interior has been somewhat made over, with a more streamlined look (still including plenty of sports memorabilia).
You can get a look at the inside here, in its Facebook photo album, and the menu is available on the official website. The front of it reads, "Nachos - Wings - Salads - Chicken - Burgers," which is a fair representation, but you can also get a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, grilled salmon, "Doug's Almost Famous Half Fried Chicken," loaded potato skins, wings, kids' meals, carrot cake, milkshakes, smoothies and veggie sides such as green beans with "smokey pepper" and collard greens. The place has a full bar and does live music.
More news after the jump.
Bain Mattox
Feeling like you need some elbow room at Normal Bar, especially after that whole Southern Livingthing? Wondering what's happening in the space next door, which most recently housed the Sew Normal Studio but is currently empty? Owner Bain Mattox is here to serve.
Look, minor menu modifications are not usually cause for an entire Grub Notes blog post, but Little Italy has recently gotten rid of its amazing $5 lunch special (half a sub and a drink or two one-topping slices and a drink), and a knee deserves to be taken in sadness. Here's what the Facebook post says:
The cheese market rise is due to the global economy. Search out info on it on the web. Long story short, high corn prices for feed, Chinese demand for milk, drought in Austrailia and New Zealand (exporting milk powder). Worse of all, a 1940's-50's Farm Bill still has yet to be re-negotiated by our Government. Farmer subsidies are at risk. Little italy lunch special is over but now you can get any half of sub for $4.00 all day every day
Even though the drinks in question were (and remain) Pepsi products, it was one of the best deals in town. Canada is apparently in the same boat, according to Canadian Pizza magazine.
Does it still bring a tear to your eye every time you think about the poor old Farm Cart, no doubt rusting away in someone's backyard, unused and unloved? Well, dry your face because the cart is coming back, at least to the Athens Farmers Market. Michael Farfour and his wife, Iwalani Farfour, both of Full Moon Farm Coop, plus mother-in-law/mother Carole Brucato, of Backyard Bread, which was already a regular vendor at the market, have rescued it and are trying to get it up and running when AFM opens up again in April.
Details after the jump.
Normal Bar, The National and The World Famous are among the 100 best bars in the South, according toSouthern Living.
Here's a little something to ease your mid-week malaise: an incredible new commercial for local Mexican restaurant Tlaloc, featuring freak-pop band DIP.
Really, the ad makes a weird sort of sense, given the group's name and propensity for all things dip-related (queso, anyone?). It also plays up the fact that Tlaloc, formerly beer-and-wine-only, is now serving margaritas, and ends with the restaurant's madcap catchphrase: "Let's get drunk!"
Watch after the jump.
The hophead herpetologists at Terrapin have a busy year ahead of them. The Athens brewery recently announced additions its 2014 lineup:
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