From a recent sponsored post on content farm BuzzzzzFeeeeeeed. Something is off.
Nice to meet you. Now empty your pockets.
When UGA President Jere Morehead took office last year, he announced a goal of raising $1 billion by 2020. He's an eighth of the way there. From UGA News Service:
Photo credit: European Commission.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were supposed to send a relatively mild form of avian flu to the Southeastern Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens for study.
Instead, in an incident officials disclosed Friday, what the CDC actually shipped was an H9N2 sample contaminated with the far more dangerous H5N1 virus, which has killed 375 people since 2002.
Local sludge/doom/post-comedic metal trio Harvey Milk has been "on hiatus" since 2010's bleak, bone-crushing, career-defining A Small Turn of Human Kindness—which, BTW, you can stream on Bandcamp, along with much of the band's back catalog.
But fans of the group have reason to celebrate today, as it has been revealed that HM bassist Stephen Tanner—he of unkempt mane and perpetually befuddled facial expression—has constructed a solo LP under the name Music Blues (!). Inspired in part by a bout of depression brought on after the death of Tanner's friend (and former Maserati drummer) Jerry Fuchs, Things Haven't Gone Well is out Aug. 26 via Thrill Jockey, and you can pre-order the album on "shit-brown vinyl" here.
Noisey's got the premiere of "91771," the record's leadoff track, along with an extended Q&A with Tanner, who recorded the album in Athens while staying at HM frontman Creston Spiers' house but now lives in New York City. Below, stream the song and check out some of the best bits from the interview:
The Second Amendment: Second in the Bill of Rights, first in Rep. Paul Broun's heart.
In an interview with the right-wing website Newsmax on Georgia's new "guns everywhere" law, the soon-to-be-former Athens congressman said that the Second Amendment is the most important amendment.
Tax breaks—they're not just for Caterpillar anymore.
An Athens development authority is set to approve millions of dollars in tax breaks for a new downtown hotel this afternoon.
Rep. Paul Broun may be gone after his bid for Senate failed Tuesday, but Mother Jonesargues argues that one of the men seeking to replace him is actually worse.
Jody Hice is in a runoff with trucking company owner Mike Collins of Jackson for Broun's 10th District seat. Says the liberal magazine:
Ben Jones, the actor who played Cooter in "The Dukes of Hazzard," is on a crusade to get "Party Down South" taken off the air.
The CMT reality show, which is currently filming in Athens, is "the sleaziest" thing on television and stereotypes Southerners, says the guy who co-starred on a show set in South Georgia with a character called Boss Hog, a car with the Confederate flag on the hood and cousins who constantly flirted with each other.
I spent last night, the night before my last two final exams, in the typical fashion of a college student, cramming every last bit of information from a semester’s worth of notes into my brain. And of course that came with an ample amount of “break time,” also known as mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, Twitter and random websites on the Internet.
And that brings us to the job section of Craigslist, where I found this little gem.
The Junior League sponsored a last-minute forum Wednesday night for Mayor Nancy Denson and challenger Tim Denson.
In light of this week's Flagpole cover story and President Barack Obama's recommendationsto stem the growing number of sexual assaults on college campuses, someone asked a question about preventing sexual assaults in Athens. Nancy sent what could be considered some mixed messages.
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