Photo Credit: David Schick
Rob Richards, Jr. may be invincible. Or just really lucky.
Yesterday, a car struck Richards on the first day of classes at the University of Georgia. Today, he was miraculously walking the streets of downtown Athens on his way to a martial arts class after putting in some hours working at UGA’s main library.
Oh, how the mighty beer drinkers have fallen.
Princeton Review released its annual top "party schools" report today and coming in at No. 15 is the University of Georgia. In 2010, UGA was at the top of the list.
The World Cup's over, and the Barves—let's face it—are pretty mediocre. But never fear, sports fans! Football season is right around the corner.
The Bulldogs started fall practice today, but before they did, they opened the Buttsmear doors to the media, even us unsavory alt-weekly types. Here are a few highlights from the press conference.
Nice to meet you. Now empty your pockets.
When UGA President Jere Morehead took office last year, he announced a goal of raising $1 billion by 2020. He's an eighth of the way there. From UGA News Service:
University of Georgia faculty want stronger protection against discrimination based on gender identity.
Business management professor Janine Aronson, who describes herself as UGA's first openly transgender faculty member, told the Associated Press that the change would be minor but symbolic and would bring UGA in line with other universities.
"It says we do not discriminate, and we do not put up with discrimination," Aronson said.
UGA President Jere Morehead has not reviewed the Faculty Council's recommendation, according to the AP.
I spent last night, the night before my last two final exams, in the typical fashion of a college student, cramming every last bit of information from a semester’s worth of notes into my brain. And of course that came with an ample amount of “break time,” also known as mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, Twitter and random websites on the Internet.
And that brings us to the job section of Craigslist, where I found this little gem.
The Junior League sponsored a last-minute forum Wednesday night for Mayor Nancy Denson and challenger Tim Denson.
In light of this week's Flagpole cover story and President Barack Obama's recommendationsto stem the growing number of sexual assaults on college campuses, someone asked a question about preventing sexual assaults in Athens. Nancy sent what could be considered some mixed messages.
As you may have heard, Flagpole's favorite UGA football player, wide receiver and noted Star Wars fan Chris Conley (aka Conley-Wan Kenobe, aka Con Solo), has been working on what he calls an "epic light saber battle" that he filmed on campus.
Well, here's the trailer. It does indeed look pretty epic.
At two dueling protests in downtown Athens on Monday, activists agitated for legalizing marijuana and for undocumented immigrants to be allowed to attend the University of Georgia.
The Board of Regents voted today to raise tuition at the University of Georgia by 7 percent, continuing the trend of shifting costs from taxpayers to students and their families.
In-state tuition for UGA students who take more than six hours of classes will be $4,295 per semester in the fall, compared to $4,014 this year.
Even before today's tuition hike, UGA students were already resorting to online fundraisersto pay their school bills. This fall, some of them will struggle even more, according to Claire Suggs, senior education policy analyst at the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute:
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