Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore
Herman Cain told University of Georgia students it is too early to make judgments about the 2016 presidential election, but advised them to discount candidates who attack members of their own party at a lecture Wednesday night.
Cain, the former Godfather's Pizza CEO who unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for the 2012 presidential race, recorded a segment for his radio talk show during his third visit to campus in the last four years. The show will be replayed next week.
The University System Board of Regents approved a 9 percent tuition hike for University of Georgia students and a 5 percent hike for North Georgia University Students today.
In-state residents will pay about $800 more to attend UGA during the 2015–2016 school year and $200 more for a full load of classes at UNG.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones
William Bell, a retired UGA research assistant, speaks to University System Associate Vice Chancellor Karin Elliott at a Friday meeting at Masters Hall.
A standing-room-only-plus-overflow crowd of UGA retirees, employees and family members showed up for a 10 a.m. Friday, Apr. 3 information meeting in Masters Hall at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education on campus.
The University of Georgia has sold its TV station to a Maryland company.
Marquee Broadcasting paid $2.5 million for the station, which has hemorrhaged money ever since UGA bought it seven years ago.
Photo Credit: UGA Office of Sustainability
Sometime tonight, the UGA Office of Sustainability expects the university's coal-fired boiler to burn through its last-ever load of the polluting fuel supply.
A Harper's illustration of a typical Southern belle wearing a hoop skirt in 1861.
University of Georgia fraternities, sororities and administrators have agreed to ban antebellum-style hoop skirts from Greek events in the wake of the University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon racist chant video.
This is the cover of the University of North Georgia's latest continuing education catalog. It depicts two white dudes in suits winning the Race of Life after receiving a UNG education, while a woman tries to keep up, and a black man stumbles, probably because he hurt his back playing basketball.
Photo Credit: Dede Giddens
Remember the UGA frat boy who got in trouble a couple weeks ago for firing a gun in the airduring a beef with a neighboring fraternity? That would be totally legal, if a Georgia lawmaker gets his way.
For the third year in a row, a state legislature has introduced a bill to legalize carrying guns on college campuses. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Six University of Georgia students broke out in song and dance around noon Friday in Tate Plaza to bring attention to their campaign asking President Jere Morehead to affiliate UGA with the Worker Rights Consortium, an independent labor rights monitoring organization.
Remember last year, when it really snowed?
Due to a snowstorm coming through later today, the University of Georgia will close at 1:30 p.m., and Clarke County Schools will close at 12:30 p.m.
Other local school closings include:
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