This is what a crepe looks like.
Saphir Grici is still pretty new to Athens, and he moved here not for career reasons or school but for love, having met his now wife (an Athenian) during her studies in Paris. Now, inspired by a visit to Los Angeles, he's starting his own business: a food truck called Holy Crepe.
Sun Taro via Wikimedia Commons
Do you regularly make the drive out to Umaido in Suwanee just to get a bowl o' ramen? Do you wait all week just to see if Pulaski Heights BBQ is doing ramen on special? Did the news of Five & Ten's Tuesday-night ramen pop-up fill you with joy? Oh, and also, shouldn't you be contributing more to charity?
Even if the answers to all of those questions aren't "yes," you should for sure invest your $35 for a ticket to this Saturday's Ramen Bowl at Ciné, organized by André Gallant of the Athens Banner-Herald and benefiting United Way.
More after the jump.
Here's a little something to ease your mid-week malaise: an incredible new commercial for local Mexican restaurant Tlaloc, featuring freak-pop band DIP.
Really, the ad makes a weird sort of sense, given the group's name and propensity for all things dip-related (queso, anyone?). It also plays up the fact that Tlaloc, formerly beer-and-wine-only, is now serving margaritas, and ends with the restaurant's madcap catchphrase: "Let's get drunk!"
Watch after the jump.
Photo Credit: Kristen Bach
The former soul food restaurant Peaches' building on West Broad Street was torn down today to make way for Saucehouse, a barbecue joint. Peaches owner Glenda Brown, meanwhile, is re-opening the restaurant in the former The Camp in Homewood Hills, where she had been cooking since closing on Broad.
The hophead herpetologists at Terrapin have a busy year ahead of them. The Athens brewery recently announced additions its 2014 lineup:
Psych! The on-again-off-again saga of Weaver D's is entering an "on-again" phase, according toDexter Weaver's Facebook page, which reads:
Surely, if you yourself don't like to cook, you at least know someone who does. I have found Hugh Acheson's A New Turn in the South to be among my favorite cookbooks, not so much because of its lovely photography (courtesy of Rinne Allen) and committed localism, but because of its clear, direct recipes that, if followed, result in deliciousness.
More after the jump.
We all have different skills in this life, and cooking is not among them for everyone. If you are looking to have someone else shoulder the burden of Thanksgiving, there are some options for you after the jump. We'll update this list as we hear more, so keep checking back.
Nature's Harmony Farm (brought to you by Tim and Liz Young), in Elberton, has been producing quality cheeses for a while now, and you can sample the results at The National, the Branded Butcher and Heirloom Café, as well as purchase them from Earth Fare and the Murray’s counter at the Alps Kroger.
Now you can also buy the stuff from the farm's new venture, Artisanal Provisions, a store that opens this Saturday (Nov. 16) and will be open in the future on Saturdays from 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
More after the jump.
Avid Bookshop continues to do a great job focusing on special events, and it has emphasized food-related ones since the beginning. The bookstore's next in the category features Isa Chandra Moskowitz, host of "Post Punk Kitchen" and author of Veganomicon, Vegan with a Vengeance and, most recently Isa Does It: Amazingly Easy, Wildly Delicious Vegan Recipes for Every Day of the Week, which she'll be signing Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. (in Fire Hall No. 2, next door to Avid).
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