In March, a slew of undocumented immigrants were taken by Immigration Customs Enforcement, better known as ICE.
Many families were affected economically and emotionally by the sudden raid.
So you have two tests tomorrow and are probably going to pull an all-nighter and ugh finals are just the worst. If only you had a pet to help you chill a little. "Studies show that animals can reduce tension and improve mood," according to WebMD.
You’re in luck. “Paws & Relax” (lol I see what you did there) is scheduled for 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Wednesday outside the main library, the science library, the Miller Learning Center, the Ramsey Center and Aderhold Hall. There will be “many” dogs, a cat, a bunny and a baby goat.
Photo Credit: Blake Aued
Athens Transit buses will run on Sundays if the Athens-Clarke County Commission approves Mayor Nancy Denson’s 2016 budget—at least for a year.
To say that Athens/South Carolina rapper Donny Knottsville (formerly of Classic City hip hop crews Deaf Judges and Mad Axes) is prolific is to understate his output over the past several months.
First, in October 2014, he hit us with Brainiac Frankenstein, a solid selection of DIY-backpacker jammers that featured Athens musicians like Sienna Chandler and Knottsville's former partner in crime Louie Larceny. In March, he dropped Red Dirt White Light, a sneering, low-end heavy follow-up.
Nearly lost in the shuffle was Hoof Beats, a February mixtape that featured Knottsville rapping over a backdrop consisting entirely of samples taken from the songs of the great Bay Area avant-rock group Deerhoof.
The band recently took to Twitter to congratulate Knottsville on a job well done:
Sophia Lo Rent welcomes the crowd.
The theme of the 26th annual Boybutante Ball, a fundraiser for AIDS Athens, was "Dragvengers: Earth's Mightiest Sheroes," and the performers didn't disappoint. Flagpole's Joshua L. Jones was there to document the drag show Saturday night at the 40 Watt Club.
Vince Vaughn in "True Detective"
HBO's noirish crime drama "True Detective" returns this June for a second season starring Vince Vaughn, Colin Farrell, Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch, and the Internet is very excited about it.
The University of Georgia has sold its TV station to a Maryland company.
Marquee Broadcasting paid $2.5 million for the station, which has hemorrhaged money ever since UGA bought it seven years ago.
In Georgia, 541,080 consumers enrolled in or renewed health coverage through the Affordable Care Act exchanges during the latest open enrollment period, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced today.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones
Clarke County School Superintendent Philip Lanoue was named National Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School Administrators at the National Conference on Education in San Diego, CA, the local school district just announced.
Here's our profile of Lanoue that ran in this week's Flagpole.
Photo Credit: Krysia Haag
Under state law, drivers don't have to stop for pedestrians until those pedestrians are already in the crosswalk, so when you're standing on the curb cussing out cars while you frantically waving your flag, know that Mario Andretti over there is well within his rights.
That may change soon.
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