A Fulton County Superior Court judge ruled this afternoon in favor of Warren Hill—a mentally disabled man convicted of murder in 1990—granting him an indefinite stay of execution.
Prosecutors said they will appeal the decision. Hill’s execution, which is scheduled for Friday evening, could still take place if the Georgia Supreme Court overturns the ruling.
That's Michael Stipe in the spotlight, talking about Jay-Z using his lyrics.
The R.E.M. frontman talked about Hova quoting from "Losing My Religion" in a recent interview with the British music magazine NME.
Jere Morehead isn't off to an auspicious start for Athens progressives. The new University of Georgia won't pursue efforts to extend health coverage to gay and lesbian (and unmarried straight) UGA employees' domestic partners.
In this promo video for the upcoming Tomatoes at Terrapin fundraiser, the local brewery's annual benefit for the Athens Nurses Clinic—you can eat tomato sandwiches and drink beer while supporting a good cause and who doesn't like all those things—local celebrities debate the merits of mayonnaise.
To raise money for his Senate campaign, U.S. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Athens) is selling T-shirts on his website that read "English: The Official Language of the USA." Of course, if Broun gets his way and abolishes the Department of Education, ur kids mite not speek Englush so gud.
Photo Credit: Jason Thrasher
Local guy, MBUS lecturer and Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven frontman David Lowery is no stranger to causing controversy as a result of his stance on artist rights in the digital age. On Monday, he unleashed another epic screed on his Trichordist blog, where he posted a screenshot that he claimed showed the amount of royalties he received from various Internet radio outlets last quarter. Of specific note was the payment he received from tech giant Pandora, which awarded Lowery a grand total of $16.89 in songwriting royalties for over 1 million plays of Cracker's hit 1992 song "Low."
In addition to noting that he also receives a separate performance royalty for "Low" (which is "higher but also what I would regard as unsustainable," he wrote), Lowery went on to explain:
The Classic Center sent Flagpole an announcement this morning that beloved fake newspaper The Onion was bringing some kind of show to Athens Oct. 6.
Titus Andronicus' Athens show last month ended with singer/guitarist/weight-of-the-world-carrier Patrick Stickles (who, by the way, seems like a really fun guy who would not at all ruin your BBQ) berating audience members and ranting about slavery. It was weird.
Shortly after, Impose Magazine caught up with the outspoken frontman to ask about the show, where a concertgoer passed out mini-Confederate flags in an apparent attempt to troll the politically-minded group, whose breakthrough album The Monitor was based on the Civil War.
Stickles, who spends a fair amount of time in the interview talking about how "Irish" and "punk" he is, casts his ire far and wide, complaining about the Georgia Theare staff (they "weren't giving me the things I needed to do my job effectively and give the kids their money's worth"); the crowd ("by the end of the show it's a bunch of fucking bros beating on each other in some kind of weird, homoerotic ritual"); the perpetrator ("I was ready to choke him out. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't been tied down to the guitar."); and a host of others.
Just when you thought the Birdhouse Collection couldn't get any weirder, now the group is raffling off a guitar signed by forgettable nu-rockers Puddle of Mudd. (All the Birdhouse members have also signed the guitar, rendering it all but un-re-sellable, if you were planning to hit eBay on the way out.)
In this week's Sunday paper, The New York Times published a good-natured fluff piece on the longtime fantasy sports obsession of one Mike Mills, former bassist for R.E.M. and occasional solo performer. Among the takeaways:
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